How to build a successful eCommerce business

1. Have great products to sell that you believe in and are passionate about.

Your passion will reflect in all that you do. Your ideal customers will feel it and be moved by it. Your passion will get you through the tough days, when all you feel like doing is giving up.

2. Build a fast online store that delivers an intuitive user experience.

Website speed matters when it comes to eCommerce success… So make sure your website is speed optimised. 

Make it easy for your customers to find what they’re looking for and effortlessly buy from you. Don’t make them work hard to find or understand your products. The user experience and buying journey should feel intuitive.

3. Create a strategic marketing plan. 

People won’t know about your online store unless you tell them about it. Building brand awareness, increasing traffic to your online store and getting visitors onto your mailing list so you can build a relationship with them should be your top three marketing priorities. 

Establish SMART goals for your eCommerce business before it launches.

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

4. Customer Experience. 

People ultimately buy from businesses they like, and everyone likes someone who appreciates them… So make your customers feel special and appreciated. Always respond quickly.

Need help planning for, designing and launching your online store. I would love to help! Ecommerce is my passion. Contact me here to arrange a no-obligation discovery consultation so we can chat about what you want and how I can help.

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