How to choose a payment gateway for your online store

If you run an online store, then you’re going to need a payment gateway, there’s no way around it. But payment gateways all have different fee structures, so it’s important to identify the right one for your eCommerce business.

What is a payment gateway?

A payment gateway is a software application that facilitates online payments for eCommerce websites. A payment gateway is the final step of the sales process on your website.

Do you need a payment gateway?

If you run an eCommerce site, which means that you’re processing payments online, then the answer is yes. There’s no other way to accept credit and debit cards through the internet without a payment gateway.

What payment gateway should you choose?

This is where things get a bit complicated because there are many different payment gateway companies and they all have different fee structures.

For example, in South Africa, we have two major payment gateways – PayFast and PayGate. Both of these payment gateways integrate seamlessly with Shopify and WordPress/WooCommerce.

PayFast charges a % commission on the value of each transaction (2% for Instant EFTs, 3.5% plus R2.00 per transaction for Credit and Debit Cards). PayGate, however, offers monthly subscription packages, but then charges lower % commission off each transaction. PayGate would be a good option for high volume stores or stores selling high-value items because the % commission is less.

Find out more about PayFast here.

Find out more about PayGate here.

As part of my online store design service, I help you identify the right payment gateway for your business and will integrate it seamlessly with your online store.

Contact me here for pricing information or to arrange a no-obligation discovery consultation.

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