Conversion optimisation 101: How to turn more website visitors into buyers

Many small businesses believe conversion optimisation is something that only bigger businesses can do.

But this isn’t true.

In my experience, many online stores are missing fundamental elements that are hurting conversion rates. Fixing these is an essential starting point to help your website turn more browsers into buyers (and this is exactly what conversion optimisation is all about).

Let’s chat about what these fundamentals are…

13 website fundamentals to help your website turn more browsers into shoppers:

(Getting these right will help your website get more sales):

1. Communicating what makes your brand / product range unique and making it clear why someone should buy from you (and not your competitors).

2. Professional branding designed to attract your ideal customers.

3. A smartphone-optimised and user-friendly website design.

4. Easy-to-understand navigation system that doesn’t overwhelm with too many choices.

5. Writing an authentic (non-generic) about page that builds connection and trust.

6. Creating Bestseller collections, upsells and cross-sells to make your customers’ shopping journey easier.

7. Showcasing high-quality images (especially important on your homepage and product pages).

8. Writing engaging + persuasive product descriptions.

9. Showing real customer reviews / user generated content (and having a plan in place to grow reviews).

10. Ensuring essential store policies like Returns & Refunds and Shipping policies are clear and easy-to-find.

11. Transparent, fair and competitive delivery rates.

12. Offering different ways to pay.

13. Showing trust symbols like payment method logos.

Conversion optimisation starts with building strong foundations. Get these right and you’re all set for investing in paid ads and further optimising your website using A/B and usability testing.

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